Awards and Prizes
1939 Shilling Purchase Prize Figure
1943 Frank G. Logan Prize and Medal The First Gift
1945 Shilling Purchase Prize Water Lillies
1947 Library of Congress Purchase Prize Portrait of John Sloan
1948 Gerrit van der Veen Medal (Netherlands
1950 First Prize Parrish Art Museum
1951 First Prize Parrish Art Museum
1957 Shilling Purchase Prize Sea, Sun, and Sky
1962 The Phoenix Cross of the Taxiarchs (Highest honor Greek Government gives for achievement in art)
1963 Top Award, Guild Hall
1964 Top Award, Guild Hall English Garden
1966 Top Award, Parrish Art Museum In My Arms
1966 Carolyn Tyson Award, Guild Hall
1967 Top Award, Guild Hall The Altar
1967 Top Award, Parrish Art Museum Phlox
1968 Emily Lowe Award Audubon Arts
1970 Mark Rothko Foundation Grant
1973 Michael M. Engel Sr. Award, Audubon Arts, Together
1975 Best in Show, Guild Hall, Human Structures
1977 Charioteer Award, Parnasus Socie